
The health of our bodies is a complex yet simple creation. In modern times, the public has currently consumed chemically produced food, genetically modified fruits and vegetables and meat that is pumped with tons of hormones. No wonder the leading causes of deaths here in America are Heart Disease and Cancer. So how do we get our health back? We become educated on what we consume on a daily basis, and we keep an eye on our Ph Levels. Ph Level is a scale we can utilize that illustrates our Acidic vs. Alkalinity state in our body.  The more alkaline forming foods one eats and absorbs, their Ph level increases. Ideal Ph level is between 6.8-7.4.  However, if we consume foods that bring that scale more to an acidic level, we run into big trouble. 

Foods that are alkaline increasing are Spinach, Kale, Bok Choy, and so many other natural fruits and veggies. The more green or color oriented ones plate is, the healthier their bodies become. The other side of course are foods that are highly acidic. For example, Proteins (fish, beef, chicken, eggs etc), nuts, processed foods, processed sugars etc. 

For ideal health, we do need to eat some acidifying foods to balance the scale.

So come learn about our Low Glycemic Lifestyle system. We can teach our clients how to eat without worrying about dieting but eating for a long and productive life. To get more information, call 910 486-7006 or visit

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